Saturday, November 29, 2014

How to Grill a Steak to Perfection

Steaks can be pricey, but grilling one doesn't have to be a nerve-wracking experience. Follow these tips to learn how to grill steaks to perfection!

Guide to Cuts of Beef
First things first - select the cut of steak you'd like to grill.  So many options, and they're all a little different. Visit this website to view a handy chart that can serve as your guide to the different cuts of steak
Guide to Cuts of Beef
More Info on Cuts of Steak
Interested in learning a bit more about each cut of steak? It's pros, its cons, what people say about it?
Then check out the attached Learn Board titled "Grilling Guide: Cuts of Steak".
Then come back here for the rest of your lesson!
Info on Cuts of Steak

Pat the Steak Dry
You want to remove excess moisture from the surface of the steak so that when you throw it on the grill you can easily create a delicious crust. Paper towels or a clean dish towel work perfectly

Salt Your Steak
This article is an in depth conversation about when and how to salt your steak. To keep things simple, I like to salt mine on both sides a few minutes before throwing it on the grill. This helps create a clean, hard sear - which is a delicious crust on the outside of the steak.

Salt Your Steak
Grill That Steak
Heat up your grill. Make it hot. Use the 2 second test - you should be able to hold your hand over the grill for only about 2 seconds before you have to pull it away.

Throw your steaks over the heat to sear them - this takes about 2-3 minutes. Don't move them during this time! Then, flip them over and reduce the heat to medium to finish cooking.
This article has a bunch of good info on the cooking process.
Grill That Steak
Grilling Times Chart
A concise chart of how long to grill different cuts & thicknesses of steaks to achieve rare, medium, etc. 
Grilling times Chart
Let Your Steak Rest before Cutting
In a nutshell - if you slice the steak open right after it comes off the grill it will be much drier.  Let it rest for 10 minutes before you cut it.
This article is an in depth exploration into exactly why and how you should rest your steak after cooking (and before eating).
Resting Meat

Seven Myths about Grilling a Steak
Read through this list of seven steak-grilling myths. For example - don't flip those steaks with a barbecue form! Sadness will ensue!
Cooking instructor and author of Planet Barbecue Steven Raichlen knows a thing or two about grilling a steak, and today he's debunking a few grilling myths that'll help make your weekend barbecue that much better.
Seven myths about grilling steak

This article curated by SARAH ERCK WELLE on

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