Wednesday, April 22, 2015

7 Easy Ways for Gauging Your Fitness Level

There are a lot of ways to measure the fitness level that it can be difficult to know how or where to start. From body mass index and body composition to body measurements, sometimes it’s really hard to know what the right test is. Nowadays many people prefer to be healthy and gain strength and endurance in fitness centers. If you want to gauge your fitness level, here are a few tips to follow.

1. Body mass index
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the body mass index can be measured by calculating an individual’s height and weight. There is an evident difference between body mass index and body composition measurement. Body mass index does not survey your fitness level, but only gauges the overall health.

2. Body composition
It’s been proved that body composition is a true way to measure your fitness level. If you measure your muscle mass versus the fat on a scale, you can make inaccurate calculation. In order to receive hundred-per-cent results, try to do an underwater measurement of body composition.

3. Strength
The military all over the world use the push-up test for their physical fitness assessments. This way, you work both the core and upper body. I find pushups the most effective way to gauge the fitness level and build strength. Moreover, this type of physical activity is the most secure.

4. Core strength
By performing a plank you can test your core strength and endurance. It is necessary to have strong abs and back to hold the plank for long. A set of exercises can easily make your back and abs firm and buff. The only condition is to keep to a scheme and gradually increase the frequency and duration of exercises.

5. Endurance
Endurance is an indispensable part of your fitness level that defines the inner charge of your body and the ability to move non-stop. You can try stepping up and down 15 inch step for 6 minutes, if you want to measure your fitness level. Don’t forget to check your heart rate in order to control the pulse and know how quickly your body recovers. If you are in a wonderful shape, you will renew your breathe faster.

6. Body measurements
Nowadays there is a great variety of tools to measure your body, including tape, caliper and skin fold. I find tape measure the most suitable one, if to measure the same area monthly. But body measurements cannot test your endurance and muscle mass you have gained during the month.

7. A challenge
Our life is a constant non-stop challenge that’s why you should engage yourself in various physical activities to stay strong, healthy and well-shaped. It can be a squat hold challenge or pushups and even a chin up. Get up early in the morning and have a day mile run. Involve friends, family or beloved ones in these activities and go in for sports together. Stick to healthy nutrition, regular sports and physical exercises and you will soon notice an improvement and enjoy your wondrous and sporty body. When you are facing a challenge and succeed in it, you get physically and mentally stronger.

Hopefully, these tips will help you and come in handy. Try to be engaged in sports and take care of your health. If you are winded when you walk, you should pay attention to your physical shape. Have you ever gauged your fitness level? What’s your marker?

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