Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Tastiest Cake


Package of thin cake crusts

1,5l (6.3 cups) milk

2 packages of pudding powder (chocolate)

200g (7 oz) sugar

4 tbsp flour

2 tbsp corn starch

300g (10.5 oz) chocolate for cooking

250g (9 oz) chocolate milk (Milka)

3 packages vanilla sugar

200g (7 oz) butter
 For the glaze:

50g (1.75 oz) butter

50g (1.75 oz) milk chocolate (Milka)

1dl (0.4 cups) whipped cream


Heat 1l (4.2 cups) milk until boiled, after that mix the rest of the milk with the pudding powder, flour, cornstarch and sugar and pour it in the heated milk.

When the cream is ready remove it from the heat and add the chocolate so it can melt. Firstly mix with wooden spoon and then mix a couple of minutes with electric mixer.

Mix the butter with vanilla sugar and add them into the cold cream.

On each one of the crusts add a thick layer of the cream until you waste all of it.

At the end melt all the ingredients for the glaze, on steam,  and cover the whole cake with this mixture. Cut it into cubes and serve it cold.

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