Thursday, February 25, 2016

Chocolate coconut ice-cream gateau Recipe

Chocolate coconut ice-cream gateau Recipe
    170g (2 cups) desiccated coconut
    3L good-quality vanilla ice-cream (like Peter's Blue Ribbon brand)
    250g good-quality dark chocolate, chopped
    150g butter, at room temperature, cubed
    150g (1 cup) pure icing sugar, sifted
    2 teaspoons vanilla essence
    3 eggs, at room temperature
    2 tablespoons Tia Maria
    200g red glace cherries, quartered
    Cocoa powder, to dust
    450g (3 punnets) fresh raspberries, to serve

Chocolate coconut ice-cream gateau Recipe

    Step 1

    Preheat oven to 180°C. Turn the base of a 24cm (base measurement) springform pan upside down and cover with non-stick baking paper. Lock the base in place. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper.
    Step 2

    Spread the coconut over the lined tray and cook in preheated oven for 5-8 minutes or until light golden. Transfer to a plate to cool.
    Step 3

    Remove ice-cream from the freezer and set aside for 15 minutes or until it softens slightly (it should almost have the consistency of double cream).
    Step 4

    Meanwhile: place the chocolate in a small heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (make sure the base of the bowl does not touch the water). Use a metal spoon to stir often for 3-4 minutes or until smooth. Set aside.
    Step 5

    Use electric beaters on medium speed to beat the butter, icing sugar and vanilla essence in a medium bowl until well combined. Add the eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition (the mixture will appear curdled at this stage). Add the chocolate and beat on low speed until the mixture is smooth and thickens slightly. Stir in the Tia Maria.
    Step 6

    Working quickly, spoon the softened ice-cream into a large bowl. Add the coconut and cherries, and mix well. Use a large metal spoon to spoon half the ice-cream mixture into the lined pan. Use the back of the spoon to smooth the surface. Pour the chocolate mixture evenly over the ice-cream mixture in the pan to cover. Carefully, without disturbing the chocolate mixture too much, spoon the remaining ice-cream mixture over the chocolate mixture and smooth the surface. Cover with plastic wrap and then foil, and place in the freezer overnight or until the gateau is firm.
    Step 7

    To serve, remove from the freezer and set aside for 5 minutes to soften slightly. Unclip side of pan. Cut gateau into 12 wedges, dust with cocoa and serve immediately with the raspberries.

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