Thursday, February 25, 2016

Wonderful and powerful Encyclopedia

Brief about Mawdoo3

Stylishly Home present to their Arabian followers powerful Encyclopedia, which contain on various sections with large number of tips. Actually we recommend Mawdoo3 Encyclopedia for you if you interest about heath, society, cooking, world and etc. is ranked as top and first  Arabic comprehensive encyclopedia overall arab world in supporting  arabic special content; Analytical  indicators "Effective Measure" referred in its last study that approximately 2000,000,000 visitors target

All of this success of Madwoo3,com resulted from hard work of special team which seek to present and serve Arabic online content. on other side Stylishly home hope more and more success stories for free lancers of and seek to reach and achieve success story in English content in various fields.

What is the main goal of Mawdoo3 team when they started?

Mawdoo3 pursue a social mission, to be the first Arabic comprehensive encyclopedia, involving all the Arabs, and contribute to the development and enrichment of the internet with an integrated and interrelated learning experience, through providing the easiest ways to survey information with value and reliable references.

Mawdoo3 Contents and finance.

Online Arabic content was given a boost last month with the announcement that Jordanian startup Mawdoo3—a Wikipedia-like online Arabic encyclopedia—received $1.5 million in Series A funding from Dubai-based investor EquiTrust.
Mawdoo3’s content is created by a combination of freelance writers and volunteers. While anyone can create an account and contribute an article in a similar fashion to Wikipedia, all content is reviewed and edited for accuracy and quality, especially for articles on topics such as health. “We are focusing on delivering high quality information, and are really trying to provide the most accurate information,” said al-Otibi.
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